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Customer service is the new marketing.

Derek Sivers, Founder of CD Baby

Get Your Licenses Ready

Ensure You Have The Right Documents To Run Your Business


Without the right paperwork, you can’t serve your community. Make sure your back is always covered by acquiring the right documents for your business. From junkets to the hospitality industry, we cover it all.

Apply for a license today.

Hotels, Bars, And Restaurants


We have eons of legal experience in hospitality. BN Lawyers has aided bars, restaurants, and beyond in obtaining the documentation they depend on. Our specialists will guide you towards document procurement or complete the task on your behalf. With us by your side, your business will be safe when the inspectors come knocking.

Junket Licensing


A Junket is a company or entrepreneur that promotes the game of chance and luck and brings players to gamble in one of the licensed gaming operators. Licensing requirements are quite high and we have more than 10 years experience in handling it.

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